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Educational Resources

The EV Solution

Join us for an educational webinar with the latest updates on how Colorado is leading the way on electric vehicles at the state and local level. Following presentations by state and local leaders, we will host a panel discussion with EV owners about the affordability, benefits, and incentives for EVs in Colorado. In addition, this event

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100% Renewable: Pathways to Our Clean Energy Future

Sustainable Resilient Longmont and the Colorado Sierra Club have produced an educational webinar about what’s ahead for Longmont’s transition to renewable energy. This video features: David Hornbacher, Director of Longmont Power & Communications Jenny Wilford, Clean Energy Advocate, Colorado Sierra Club Watch to find out more about Longmont’s path to renewable energy and what is

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Food Waste and the Climate Connection

Join us for a webinar exploring the connection between food waste and climate change, with a focus on solutions. Learn about food rescue and hunger relief efforts, landfill diversion through composting, and how our Green Star Schools are leading the way in food waste education. Find out more about what local organizations are doing to

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Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle in the Time of COVID

With an ongoing public health crisis, people are home more than ever. How has this affected our consumption habits? Learn how to shop sustainably, upcycle what you have, and live zero waste amidst a pandemic.Speakers: Rosie Briggs, Community Campaigns/Eco-Leaders Network Manager, Eco-Cycle Jenny Kim, MD, Longmont resident Devin Quince, Owners, Simply Bulk Market​ Moderator: Naomi Curland,

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Food Preservation: Tips & Tricks for a Zero Waste Kitchen

Learn about a variety of food preservation techniques to prolong the life of food in your kitchen, and save fresh produce from a bountiful harvest to be enjoyed later in the year. There will be practical demonstrations, hands-on techniques, and recipes included. Featuring in-kitchen presentations from SRL Zero Waste committee members: Jenny Kim Jasmine Walker

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Home Electrification Seminar

Learn HOW and WHY to pass on the gas! Featuring presentations and Q & A by national and local experts. Why Electrification is so important and what you can do with Josh Lake, founder of Elephant Energy City of Longmont’s Electrification and smart metering plans with Susan Bartlett, Longmont’s director of Electric Strategies & Solutions

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